It's A Big One

November 24, 1990 was a sunny and very cold day with a beautiful sunset here in Minnesota.

Why do I remember that?  Because 20 years ago today I married my bestest friend!  Certainly one of the very best things I've ever done.

Now, even though Chris and I were best friends when we got married, there are a few things I didn't know about him 20 years ago that I do now.  In honor of our 20th anniversary, here are 20 of them....

  1. That he would cheerfully put up with all my many quirks for decades.
  2. That he would be a great daddy.
  3. That he would bring me flowers for no reason, or because he knew I had a hard day.
  4. That he would give up watching football on Sunday afternoons to help me take care of the kids.
  5. That he would make good career choices, time and again, even if that meant changing jobs every two years.
  6. That he would look even better without hair than he did with it.
  7. That he would actually want eight kids.
  8. That he would never, EVER, yell at me - not once in 20 years of marriage, even when I've yelled at him.
  9. That he would practically push me out the door to "go buy something for yourself."
  10. That he knew how to do electrical work.
  11. That he knew how to do plumbing and, even though he HATES it, does it anyway.
  12. That when I go to Scotland without him, I would feel like it was only half the fun it would have been if he was there, too.
  13. That he would never complain about doing household chores.
  14. That he would faithfully get the kids ready for bed each night.
  15. That he would know so much more than I do about parenting teenagers :-)
  16. That he would let me sleep in on Saturday (for years) without complaining.
  17. That he HATES spiders (I found this one out in our first year of marriage...).
  18. That he would traipse around a tree lot with me and the kids to pick out the perfect Christmas tree even though he would probably be just as happy picking a pre-cut one out at a lot.
  19. That he is a morning person.
  20. That he can look good in virtually any pair of glasses.

So there you have it, 20 things I've learned about Chris in 20 years.  It is also 20 reasons why I would marry him all over again.  Happy Anniversary, Chris!  I love you!  You are, indeed, a wonderful gift from God to me!

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.            James 1:17

And now for the enjoyment (or embarrassment) of my Facebook friends and Blog buddies who were in my wedding party....


  1. So I may be a little hormonal ;) BUT this post did make me tear up. Congrats on 20 years! We are on 3 1/2 and I can't wait to make my 20 things list one day. :)


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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.