
Apparently today was the day that all baby squirrels were released from their nests, high up in the trees, to begin life in earnest.  How do I know this?  Well, this morning as I was sitting on my couch reading my Bible, I was entertained quite thoroughly by about 10 little squirrels running around the trees and through our yard.  Apparently, the favorite game of little squirrels is tag, as most of them spent the greater part of the morning chasing each other here and there, up and down trees, across the lawn, across our deck, etc.

Now, it's a good thing that God made squirrels so darn cute, because as they were frolicking in my yard, they were also digging up the newly planted flowers that I put in last week (grr) and taking a dust bath in the pot of cilantro that I potted yesterday (double grr).  

While last year the little bunnies were my nemesis, it appears that the squirrels are out to get me this year...


  1. Oh, those squirrels sound pesky. Our animal nemesis this year are two gold finches. They've been visiting our bird feeder (which is good and fun), but on Sunday they discovered our living room window, and have been trying to get in ever since. Then they found three more of our windows to try, and at one point were flying back and forth between them all, tapping the glass to get in. It was sort of creepr in an Alfred Hitchcockian way. Also, now I know where the term "bird brain" comes from. Not too smart, those feathered friends.


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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.