Things That Make Me Laugh

Not everyone who reads this will be laughing, but to me, these are really funny.  Remember the post on how strange I am...

Anyway, the comedian's name is Tim Hawkins and he has a bunch of stuff on YouTube if you're looking for a way to kill some time check it out.  Btw, he reminds me of my brother-in-law Peter :)


  1. Barb,I laughed and laughed.He really is funny and a beautiful voice.Now how are we going to ever praise and worship without thinking of Krispy kream (sp?) or not imagine ourselves surrounded by biscuts!My favorites are the kid's song one and Cletus Take the Reel.

  2. Barb,

    I, too, love his sense of humor. There is one called "Hedge of protection" that used to be on youtube, but you can find it on "God tube" now. It's really funny. Not sure why, but the sound is really bad.


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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.