It's Over!

The fifteen weeks of Birthday Season have officially ended today!  Chris holds the dubious distinction of having the last birthday during birthday season, and TODAY he turned 45.

He took the day off work and hung out at home with his favorite!

As is tradition, we went and cut our Christmas tree today to celebrate Chris' birthday.

And then proceeded to decorate it....isn't it beautiful!  We'll see how long it lasts with the terrorist dog experiencing her first many ornaments to chew on!

Anyway, Chris, we love you and are so very thankful for you! You're the best!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Barb, That looks very fun! I hope Chris had a fun day! Happy birthday Chris! I thought you would laugh 'cause I put a lily bed-head post up this past evening. I think it beats your kids bed-headed hair by a mile! teasing. I hope all is well!



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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.