Ooo, A Contest

Hey, blog buddies and Facebook friends, I've got a new contest for you.  I don't think there's a prize, but it will be fun anyway.  You see, we (read I) really want to improve the curb-appeal of our house, but I really lack in the ideas department.  Now I KNOW some of you are very creative, so maybe you can give us some free advice on how to improve the front of our house.  Here are a couple pictures of the current state of things...
We are specifically concerned with improving the area around the front door.  Like getting rid of that hideous planter...and the lamppost needs to be removed/replaced...and those bushes have seen better get the picture....HELP!


  1. For some reason I thought your garage was on the right side of your house. Your front looks good to me.

  2. It only looks good because you can't see the rotting, ant infested wood of the planter and the cracking cement, etc. Trust me, upon closer inspection it is quite unlovely!


Thanks for visiting. We would love to hear from you!

Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.