Decision Fatigue

 I am suffering from a serious case of decision fatigue! You know, when you have to make so many decisions each day that your brain just refuses to make any more.  

On top of the normal, what should I wear, what should I cook for dinner decisions, how will we juggle three cars between five drivers? Now we have - where can I safely go, who can I safely see, what mask goes with my outfit? Okay, that last one has NEVER crossed my mind...until now. 

 This is a problem today because...CHRISTMAS! 

 I have to make decisions about presents!! Yikes! This has literally caused me to freeze in my tracks. It doesn't help that we don't even know what we are doing for Christmas. Who will we see? Where will we see them? How are we going to eat all our favorite Christmas food stuffs if we aren't all together? What will I do with the plethora of stocking stuffers I am rapidly accumulating in my basement if I don't get to see these people?

Anyone else having a hard time completing their Christmas shopping this year? My misery would love company!


  1. We decided not to exchange gifts this year, except for one preset each for the grandkids. We are not able to be together, so it just didn't feel right for the adults to fuss eith gifts.

    1. Good plan!! We usually just do stocking stuffers with the adults. I love buying stocking stuffers, so I’ve been getting them regardless of Covid Christmas plans.


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Friday Fotos

 It was a good week.