Holy buckets! I haven't blogged in over a week! I don't think that's ever happened in the 6+ years I've been blogging! Sorry I lost touch.
How have you been?
My big news here is that, at long last, we actually booked a vacation for just Chris and me. Yes, we're going on a trip....and....it's over my birthday. Birthday in Britain! Can't beat that! AND to top it all off, some very dear friends of mine (Mumford friends - the very best kind) are going to meet up with us there! Do you believe it? They're actually going to meet us in Glasgow!
Hopefully, we will be exploring the Glasgow/Edinburgh area for a few days and then heading up to the Highlands. I say hopefully because this will be my THIRD try at getting to the Highlands. The first two attempts met with failure.
A long time ago BC (Before Children), Chris worked for Northwest Airlines. This meant....flight benefits! These lovely benefits allowed us to travel a bit...for FREE....first class. On one trip we explored London, but our next trip to the UK was supposed to see us land in London and then meet up with a friend and drive to the Highlands. Unfortunately, I was two months pregnant. I got violently airsick on the flight over (something that NEVER happens to me, and hasn't happened since). When we arrived and started driving north, I began spotting and was very concerned about the pregnancy, so we opted to call off the trip and head back to the states to make sure the baby was okay (he was...and still is).
Second attempt to get to the Highlands was four years ago when I was in Scotland with Evan for the World Pipe Band Championships. I was hoping to take a little drive north to the Highlands at that time, but the practices, etc. for the pipe band didn't allow me the time to get up there. So, I guess Evan is to blame for both of my failed attempts to get there! I'm not bringing Evan this time!!
This time should work. I'm not pregnant (thank God for that!) and I'm not traveling with a pipe band.
I will try really hard not to be too obnoxious over the next three months.....
"Anyone can have one kid. But going from one kid to two is like going from owning a dog to running a zoo." - P. J. O'Rourke
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Okay, who would have ever thought of putting dulcimers and bagpipes together? Listen to this! Little Drummerboy - Live (Featuring Jeffe...
Molly and I were stuck alone in a car for hours today. While we inched along in traffic, we used our time wisely and came up with The Mumfo...
It came to my attention today that I have NEVER blogged about Jungle Jam & Friends ! This is a travesty that I will now correct. A lo...
Very neat!